Monday, November 25, 2019

Exploratory research Essay Example

Exploratory research Essay Example Exploratory research Essay Exploratory research Essay equipment cost ,location Their budget for the advertisement, media promotion employees bonus, and customer loyalty plans and the other resources as well like: Suppliers can give information about market trends, motorists activities, popular sales products, price negotiations and supply quantities. Contractors can give feedback on client attitude. They can tell you what type of gardening are popular in these days. Networks will inform of industry activities, innovation, new products and services techniques and new markets. Satisfaction levels for customers services product quality, availability, advice, response, time and pricing. 2. 3 Possible Research location According to the case study D. A garden is located in main road, opposite a small shopping centre thats include a supermarket, departments store, cafe ND 12 specialty shops. Large Bunging store is also located in 2 kilometers down the road. We have to analysis of opportunities area and trying to improve that area, and also find the weakness from the previous data and overcame that for the future. 2. 4 Planned research methodologies. Exploratory research aimed at gaining a better understanding of a problem or factors surrounding the problem. Exploratory research often concludes that a perceived problem does not actually exist.. The Internet allows for research methods that are more interactive in nature. Exploratory research often relies n secondary research such as reviewing available literature and/or data, or qualitative approaches such as informal discussions with consumers, employees, management or competitors, and more formal approaches through in-depth interviews, focus groups, projective methods, case studies or pilot studies. It should draw definitive conclusions only with extreme caution. Descriptive research obtains information and data in the form of facts and figures related to a specific topic or problem. Descriptive research is replanted and provides definitive data that can used to draw conclusions. Descriptive research cannot be used to create a causal relationship, where one variable affects another. In other words, descriptive research can be said to have a low requirement for internal validity. The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations. Often the best approach, prior to writing descriptive research, is to conduct a survey investigation. Descriptive research may include observation and survey. Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe what caused a situation. Causal research involves a ambition of exploratory and descriptive research. This research is aimed at identifying cause and effect relationships between actions and reactions. Casual research might include searching for something on the Internet or giving data of any organization. It differs from scientific research that is considerably more formal and rigorous in nature and causal research that investigates the effect of one thing on another, the data or information we got from the customers, suppliers and other sources from that information we have to change the market strategy of D. A gardening for profit minimization. 2. The sample size and nature of your sample They are getting 200 to 300 hundred customers in day they are trying to do best in a future and they want 400 hundred customers in a day You can come here and enjoy our products. Weekly Monthly Daily Questioners could be given to Customers who visit the cafe so their demand could be known or customers in the shopping centre or in the cafe could be observed to know which type of food is most demanded by the customer. Nature of sample they have 1400 hundred regular customers in a weak and they want to be around 2000 customer in a weak. 2. 6 The time required and available The time constraints at the project scoping stage refer to the conflict the sometimes occurs between the estimated time that the research will take, and the available time that the client is willing to allow. This time should refer to how quickly they are expecting results. (8) Data Gathering Approach Quantitative because figures are needed for better research to be done 3. 1 Types of Data required Primary research data means seeking data that does not already exist. It is getting original data that is not available anywhere else and can only be obtained by communication with people or making observation about people ND situations . Primary data is usually the most expensive form of data gathering. It is also most valuable, as the data gathered for a specific organization. Three basic means of obtaining primary data are observation, surveys, and experiments. The choice will be influenced by the nature of the problem and by the availability of time and money. In D. A. Gardening the survey method is useful then other two. Secondary research data is always easier and cheaper to obtain than primary data but it should always be critically evaluated prior to use. Secondary research means seeking data that already exists, such as facts and figures. Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, organizational records and data collected through qualitative methodologies or qualitative research. Primary data, by contrast, are collected by the investigator conducting the research Sources of data Internal data Customer database past marketing data and/or reports Competitor information gathered by staff. External data Information from publications, such as those available through a literature search Data and information collected by industry experts ,trade associations, r professional associations Information and data from government sources such as the Australian bureau of statistics. Data Gathering Methods Focus group, literature search, Questionnaire surveys, news paper. Quantifying data Sampling is a process where a small portion of the population is used to collect data from Sampling is a process where a small portion of population is used to collect data from which judgments are made about the entire population Because if you were hired to find out how customers evaluated the store compared to competitors, would you try to contact everyone that lives and works in the local area.

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